Cape Town Clinical Psychologist
Samuel Waumsley M.A. Clin. Psych. (UCT)

Sam Waumsley

M.A. Clin. Psych. (UCT)

Clinical psychologist | Psychotherapy sessions in Cape Town.

Registered | 50 min. consultations.

Central Observatory and online.

Enquiries: | Phone:  084 350 2102

R850 | Monday - Friday 8 - 5

Central work:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationships
  • Esteem
  • Panic
  • Dream interpretation

Sessions are psychodynamic in orientation, also drawing on relational, existential, narrative and gestalt therapy insights.  In-session Socratic dialogue, free-association, intersubjectivity and transference awareness are also used.

Towards well-being and mental health:

Below the surface is depth in our human experience -in ourselves and each other. How can we listen to this more? Being aware of one's needs and feelings, next to others', with calm assertiveness, centered in warm-hearted values is arguably one useful way. 

Personal well-being is our natural equilibrium, but things can sometimes go awry. A broken-heart, or an absent or terribly scolding parent can defeat or hamper us as people. To cope and to be fully you - as we are meant to be - one needs to dig deep, and offer oneself the chance to reflect usefully. Therapy is a way of addressing core personal stories that we carry, and the symptoms that they can bring.